Now I must ask you and those reading today – Have you ever experienced a strong and intense moment of Deja Vu? For me, this is where my thoughts constantly rushed to in my head, during our trip last month. Words people spoke, smells in the air, the sounds that engulfed me with images as we visited many sights. Snap shots in my subconscious began to reveal answers resembling a treasure map of clues, but to what? I still didn’t know. It felt like a time in my life when I slept and experienced vivid dreams of moments that provided me with the realization that I was blessed with an open door that gazed upon my life and my future, yet it was only at this very time did I dare to walk through. Honestly, I think I had always dared to walk through, but I feared the outcome, or maybe I didn’t understand the true meanings of these dreams, from year’s back, because of insecurities, or even my lack maturity and ability to fully understand. Whatever the reason then, would not hinder me now.
When I began writing on that early Monday morning, I was cruising at an altitude of 28,000 and climbing, on a southwest plane heading east bound from Las Vegas. Just over my left shoulder, my eyes gaze down upon the beauty of the Rocky Mountains below my feet. Already a much anticipate trip is over and we must return home. My husband sleeps quietly beside me as I reach inside to find the ability to put into words an endeavor that whether it puts my story on the silver screen or a television screen, I am humbled to have been given the opportunity to touch a dream and share the experience with my true love.
It was hard to believe how fast time had flown by. It was also hard to believe that on Thursday March 22, 2012, only five days earlier, I found myself aimlessly fidgeting in a southwest terminal at BWI with my husband by my side, filled with wonder, hope, and fear and prayed the journey that I was embarking on would be one that would change everything I know about my life and the lives of my husband and two sons. Technically it was a business trip, which I truly hope would be oiled, massaged and kissed with precious moment that my husband and I could share together when time was not work related.
The foremost reason for my travels to Vegas and its city of lights – Pitch my story to several executives in the movie and television industry. My first ah-ha moment was the dissipating cloud cover 10,000 feet below as our flight began its decent west bound in Las Vegas. The grandest of views that revealed itself, The Grand Canyon and its hues of deep reds, copper and brown earthy tones. It was an amazing sight that appeared as if it had been meticulously carved into the landscape. All this majestic beauty created by various water levels over hundreds of years and we had the best view in the house. OK, airplane.
We made our way to our rental car location and without any delay we found ourselves feeling like teenagers again when we put the top down to our 2012 blue convertible mustang and headed for the Las Vegas strip. Our plan was to check into our hotel, dropped our things off, get changed and then do whatever the night let us think up. My husband and I stole as many precious moments together as we could. The biggest moment began with us cruising down the highway. It was rather unfortunate that our car had been governed at 80 mph. Who does that to such a sexy and muscular piece of automotive machinery? It’s would be the same putting concrete blocks on Secretariats legs and telling him to win the Triple Crown. I say…let that pony run!
To be continued…
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