Saturday, December 31, 2011

"Twas' the FLUSH Before New Year's"

"Twas' the Flush before New Year's"
By: Stacey L. Bolin

Twas' the Flush before New Year's,
the toilet was weeping.
A drip here, a drip there,
while we all were sleeping.

It started out little,
then it started to pour.
And by early next morning,
it had soaked threw the floor.

The new ceiling was tarnished,
with one spot, then two.
Mom was a yelling,
what the Hell should we do!

Mom started to cry,
and then she got mad.
The new ceiling was saved,
thank goodness for Dad.

Dad, he was smart,
he knew just what to do.
He shut off the valves,
to stop the pee and the poo.

A quick fix, he thought,
but it just wasn't so.
And with mom and some cash,
to Home Depot they'd go.

The traffic was busy,
on a cold Friday night.
But in the store isles,
no one was in sight.

They stood there a starin'
which one would flush best?
And soon one was chosen,
forget all the rest.

Several twists of some screws,
and a yellow wax ring.
The directions had promised,
no more leaks from this thing.

With a bone colored finish,
and a lid like a dome.
 Now it stands proudly,
a new throne for our home.

So if you my dear friends,
have the same troubles to be.
Remember its New Year's,
and be glad you can pee.

Yes this poem was about our family. It wouldn't be a holiday season if
we didn't experience some kind of water trouble.
We can look at it this way -
The King and Queen of the Bolin home,
have a new throne for the New Year. LOL.

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